Roadtrip through Switzerland

Roadtrip through Switzerland

In the following posts I would like to tell you more about my seven-day car ride from Vienna to Geneva and all the places that I visited along the way. I was on my way to Geneva where I would spend the next five months as an exchange student at the University of Geneva. As I knew that I would visit the touristy areas of Switzerland during my stay in Geneva, we wanted to go off the beaten track. A few days before the roadtrip, I bought a tollway permit sticker and the Lonely Planet Switzerland Travel Guide. It was a really funny experience traveling; our GPS sent us to a car train and a ferry completely out of the blue. So keep all possibilities open when traveling with a GPS.

Our journey started in Vienna. On our way to Constance, we planned to stop over at the Neuschwanstein Castle which is surrounded by the most beautiful scenery that Bavaria has to offer. We took the ferry from Meersburg to Constance (10min) and when we finally arrived on the other side of the lake, it was pouring. After two nights in Constance, we continued our journey to Interlaken with a quick stop over at the Rhine Falls. We didn’t stay in Interlaken because it was too expensive and so we found a pretty accomodation in Därligen which is only a 10-minute car ride away from Interlaken. We took advantage of the beautiful weather and went hiking in Grindelwald. The Eiger-Trail brought us right up to the foot of the North Face. It was an incredible day of hiking, sunbathing and just enjoying nature. The next destination on our trip was Zermatt. Our GPS sent us to a car train (29,50CHF) that took us through the Lötschberg-Tunnel to the other side of the mountain. Zermatt is a car-free town, so we parked the car in Täsch. Many hotels offer parking spaces in Täsch from where you continue your journey via train. A single train ticket from Täsch to Zermatt costs about 8CHF per person. During our stay in Zermatt we went hiking on two hiking trails – the 5-Seenweg and the HörnliwegThe 5-Seenweg takes you past five lakes, all of them offer a marvellous view on the Matterhorn, whereas the Hörnliweg leads you directly to the foot of it. After three days in Zermatt we drove to Geneva.

I totally loved traveling through Switzerland. We mostly had beautiful weather and the time couldn’t have been any better. There are less tourists in September which makes it easier to hike on the trails since there’s not a lot of traffic.

For more details visit the blog posts about each destination.

(Google Maps)[:fr]

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